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Depending on the setting in which it is used, the term "open-door policy" could take on different meanings. Parents telling teenagers that their home has an open-door policy means one thing, while professors telling their students about an open-door office hour policy could mean something else entirely. The term, of course, has a longer history of use dating back to national and international economic policies.
Here at Boss Steel, our open-door policy has two very specific applications.
What Our Policy Means for Us
For us, our open-door policy is an expression of total confidence and total transparency. Because we are confident in our work ethic and transparent in all our dealings, we have no concerns about letting our clients take a peek behind the curtain. We are sure that what you see will only increase your assurance in the quality of our product.
What Our Policy Means for You
For you, our open-door policy is an invitation with both literal and figurative applications. First, you may literally stop by any time. We are proud of our workers, our work space, and our work ethic--all three of which are on display at your convenience. Second, if time or distance prohibit you from an in-person visit, you may choose to take figurative advantage of our open-door policy by asking us questions about our methods, products, business model, and so forth.
Contact Us
Whether you stop by in person or contact us online, you will find that our policy of transparency leads to fruitful partnerships and satisfied customers. If you have questions or comments, or if you would like to discuss an upcoming project or request a quote, please feel free to drop by or give us a call.
We look forward to hearing from you -- or meeting you in person! -- at your convenience.