The Challenges of Managing an Office Tower and How Corner Guards Can Help

by Boss Steel on October 28, 2016

Anyone who works in building management will tell you that managing an office tower comes with its own special challenges. To be fair, that statement could be made of almost any type of facility; but in the case of office towers, the stakes do seem especially high. 

In many cases, tenants are investing quite a bit of money for a high-profile, downtown location; therefore, they expect the best. In short, they expect a facility to be run in a way that befits their investment. The building owners likewise have high expectations that the building will be well-maintained and well-managed. 

If your office tower is famous for its viewing deck or historical significance, such as Willis Tower in Chicago or the One World Trade Center in New York, you're looking at an insane amount of foot traffic as tourists crowd your sidewalks and jostling for a chance for a view. Even less-well-known office towers deal with a high volume of people moving through their doors every day. 

That's what makes corner guards for office towers such a wise investment. Given the day-to-day operations of most office towers, this one simple change goes a long way toward protecting your facility and bringing down your routine maintenance costs. Once installed, our guards are both sleekly elegant and effective, quietly protecting your interior corners from the sort of daily incidental damage inherent to the nature of these buildings. 

Here at Boss Corner Guards, we offer corner guards in various sizes, styles, and thicknesses. If you have questions about which type of guard would be best for your needs, or if you have questions or comments about anything else, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to serving you.