On Your Fall Checklist: Corner Guards for Office Towers

by Boss Steel on October 12, 2018

If you manage an office tower, then you're no doubt already working through your annual fall checklist. Along with packing away your summer goods and rolling out seasonal decor, you're likely beginning location-based preparations for winter.

Depending on where you are in the world, your fall preparation could include anything from storm-proofing your windows to arranging for proactive parking lot treatment ahead of snow and ice.

Whatever specific items are on your fall checklist, you'll want to add one more: installing corner guards.

Why Corner Guards?

If you manage an office tower, then you know the daily onslaught of potential damage to your corners. If the foot traffic of those employed in the building weren't enough, there are also daily visits from clients and guests, not to mention delivery people, custodial staff, and security. 

Although each person who frequents your office tower isn't necessarily harmful on their own, the combined effect of everyone's visits can really take a toll.

According to a study conducted by the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), repairs and maintenance make up a sizeable portion of a building's cost per square foot.

Note the following breakdown of expenses:

Private-sector office building expense statistics:

  • Total operating expenses: $8.07 psf
  • Total operating + fixed expenses:  $12.47 psf
  • Security:  $0.72 psf
  • Administrative: $1.45 psf
  • Cleaning: $1.52 psf
  • Utilities: $2.16 psf
  • Parking: $0.61 psf
  • Roads and grounds: $0.25 psf
  • Repairs and maintenance: $2.00 psf

As you can see, although repairs and maintenance aren't mentioned until the final line item, they are by no means the smallest dollar amount on that list. 

The good news is that we are here to help.

Installing guards along your interior corners and edges will go a long way toward bringing down annual maintenance costs.   

We Can Help

Here at Boss Corner Guards, we carry guards in various sizes, styles, and thicknesses. No matter the needs of your particular office tower, we have a set of guards just for you. 

If you would like to hear more about our premium product lines, or if you would like to discuss anything else, please feel free to contact us at any time.

We look forward to serving you!