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Nothing's more important than timing. Cooks who don't set timers rarely produce perfect dishes. Potential lovers can turn to exes when they misjudge the timing of their first kiss. Basketball players who misjudge the shot clock live to regret it.
Sometimes it's not what you do that matters, but when you do it.
If you're planning renovations on your building, you may be considering corner guards to protect your investment. If so, when should you order and install them?
The answer depends on the sort of renovations you're planning.
If your renovations involve removal or replacement of interior walls (or drywall), be sure to order with enough lead time that you can install your guards as soon as your new walls are up -- especially if your renovations will continue after the walls are in place. It would be a shame to see them suffering any incidental damage immediately after installation.
If your renovations do not include the removal or replacing of your existing walls, then you'll want to install corner guards before any other work starts. Increased foot traffic from the workman -- not to mention their tools, machinery, and various other materials -- can pose a significant threat to your walls.
Either way, by the time your renovations are complete, your guards should be up.
Here at Boss Corner Guards, we carry premium guards in various sizes, styles, and thicknesses. If you have questions or comments about which of our products is right for you, or if you have questions about when to order corner guards for renovations, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to serving you and are happy to chat with you any time.